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Melissa here, I am an established Multidisciplinary Artist  based in the East Coast of Australia. 

My style is intricate, detailed, contemporary in it's various forms, with lots of colour! 

I love both masculine elements of timber & metal, balanced with feminine elements of rope & textiles.

I am known for blurring the lines between art, design and craft.

I often think BIG and am passionate about bringing together community through my art.

Hope to connect with you soon - Melissa Carey (read more about the artist HERE)

Art - Body of Works

The Spiral of Life

Body of Work

The helical spiral, as found in nature, is essentially the transmission of energy, radiating out and drawing in, infinitely and eternally. Therefore we exist in nature, flowing with energy, and as we connect with each other, it creates an infinite flow of energy and unity - the very essence of life itself flowing through us.

The sculpture series has now expanded from being made entirely of pine timber and screws, to steel spanning 4 metres tall, in a parametric, helical spiral that Melissa designed & built herself.

Her largest piece was recently showcased at Swell Sculpture Festival, and is currently available for hire or purchase. Please contact Melissa for enquires

Pictured right: The Spiral of Life at Strand Ephemera in QLD CLICK HERE for more

The Spiral of Life at Strand Ephemera in QLD - CLICK HERE for more

The Spiral of Life at Strand Ephemera at night with art activation in QLD - CLICK HERE for more

Fortune Circle for CNY at Market City Shopping Centre - CLICK HERE for more

The Spiral of Life featured at Swell Sculpture Festival in QLD - for sale CLICK HERE

The Spiral of Life featured at Swell Sculpture Festival in QLD - for sale CLICK HERE

The Spiral of Life - small scale sculpture for sale - SHOP HERE

Art Prints

Melissa is now selling a range of high quality archival art prints using a range of the incredible photos that have been captured of her spiral sculptures over the years. 

CLICK HERE to see the full list of prints and details

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Portal Art in Nature

Body of work

Melissa is passionate about creating art in the natural environment using foraged objects from the land and recycled materials. She has undertaken a number of private and public commissions and often incorporates community workshops to create engagement and interactive collaboration for the works. Her portal series is all about moving through the portal and being transported into another world, another moment in time. 

Pictured right: Dragon Tail Portal using foraged nature on the property & recycled timber, collaboration with private festival

Dragon Tail Portal using foraged nature on the property & recycled timber, collaboration with private festival

Dragon Tail Portal using foraged nature on the property & recycled timber, collaboration with private festival

Dragon Tail Portal used as a healing circle on private property

Commission of a portal art installation at The Billabong Kuranda using locally foraged cane

Art installation created during collaborative therapeutic art session at Sundara Retreats, QLD

Art installation created during collaborative therapeutic art session at Sundara Retreats, QLD

Snake Portal Art commission on a private property in QLD where you can pass through to another area in the garden - collab with Leon Metzker

Snake Portal Art commission on a private property in QLD where you can pass through to another area in the garden - collab with Leon Metzker

Snake Portal Art commission on a private property in QLD where you can pass through to another area in the garden - collab with Leon Metzker

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Heart Art

Body of Work

Step into the giant heart sculpture as you call in more love and tune into the wisdom of your heart.’

The Heart Sculpture is 4 metres made from timber cladding and steel structure, with strong steel base plates. You can walk inside the sculpture and it is accessible for wheelchairs and prams. It is available for hire or for purchase, contact Melissa here for enquiries.

Displayed at Play Manly festival in Sydney - click here for more

Displayed at Play Manly festival in Sydney - click here for more

Displayed at Play Manly festival in Sydney - click here for more

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Body of Work

This body of work was born when Melissa completed an Art Residency for 2 weeks in Berlin Germany. 

"Connected" which represents the connection between people - how sometimes we want to isolate ourselves and hide away, when what we really need is connection. 

Melissa uses recycled t-shirt fabric to create her own style called "drawing with yarn". 

Melissa's artwork during her solo art exhibition in Berlin, Germany

CLICK HERE for more

Melissa's artwork during her solo art exhibition in Berlin, Germany

CLICK HERE for more

Melissa's artwork in her studio SOLD

"Threads of Connection" Artwork for sale SHOP HERE

"Threads of Connection" Artwork for sale SHOP HERE

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Bottled Up

Body of Work

Art installation using suspended found bottles.

'Bottled Up' represents the repression of emotions through the visual form of suspended bottles - as we bottle up our emotions, they start piling up, hanging onto a thread, and once one moves they all move, entwining each other.

Without emotions, we are LIFELESS. They are the true beauty of authentic expression. They are an outer expression of our inner world. They create connection with our very essence of being. They give us FREEDOM to fly. They give us a VOICE.

Melissa's Art Installation with 3 layers of bottles suspended

CLICK HERE for more

Melissa's art installation at The Shop and Wine Bar, Bondi, Australia

CLICK HERE for more

Melissa's art installation at The Shop and Wine Bar, Bondi, Australia

CLICK HERE for more

See more of Melissa's Portfolio of Art Commissions & Projects 


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