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Creativity and the power of our words

“I’m just not creative!” 

“I don’t have an arty bone in my body” 

“I really wish I could be more creative but I don’t know how.”

“I just seem to have a creative block” 

“I’m just too busy / I don’t have time to be creative” 

After many years of teaching people from all walks of life, I would often hear many people say the same things. 

There are multiple reasons why we tell ourselves that we can’t be creative, but often the truth is that sometimes we get in our own way. We create limiting beliefs, we keep busy, we avoid it, we put ourselves down, we make up reasons that sound totally logical and believable.

I know this because I have been there. As a full time artist, I had to learn how to overcome these limiting beliefs, how to clear creative blocks so I could keep my creativity flowing. 

I also realised how important it is to me to make creativity (not just art) a priority in my life, because when I am creative, I am expressing the very essence of who I am. And that charges me up! 

The fact is that EVERYONE IS CREATIVE! We all have the ability to activate more creativity within us. 

So if you find yourself saying that you are not creative, I encourage you to be kind to yourself, don’t believe that negative inner critic, reframe your mind and start saying positive things! “I am remembering how to be creative” can be a gentle start. 

Then make 5 mins in your day to do something creative. 

It’s totally possible and achievable! 

Dance while you do the dishes. 

Sing in the car. 

Paint before work. 

Go exploring in your lunch break. 

There are so many ways to express ourselves creatively. 

Affirming for you that YOU ARE CREATIVE! 💖💖💖

(And if you need a little nudge of encouragement on how you can do this and clear any blocks that stop you, get access to my nurturing session of self injury, reflection, meditation and intention setting to live a more creative life! CLICK HERE to join 🦋)

Big love, 

Mel x

About Melissa

Melissa Carey is a full-time practising artist, who creates large intricate sculptures and art installations across Australia and internationally for the past decade. She has a passion for sharing her skills and knowledge, and encouraging creativity in everyone. Melissa has found many ways to help improve mental health through combining mindfulness with her art practise. She loves gathering people together to connect through art. 

You can see her instagram here: or visit her website for her art, workshops and other offerings here:

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